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My life as a dog with a cat.

U leest om dit moment het verhaal My life as a dog with a cat gepost door Sophie Rutgers. Dit verhaal is gepost in de categorie dieren verhalen. Wilt u een zelf geschreven, of een mooi verhaaltje posten? Klik daarvoor hier.

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Categorie: dieren verhalen
Gepost door: Sophie Rutgers
Gepost op: 2009-3-22


My life as a dog with a cat
My life as a dog with a cat.

I wake up. Oh boy, I had a terrible nightmare. I dreamed there was a cat in the house. And Paul, my owner, liked the cat more than me! It was really a terrible nightmare. So I yawn and get up to drink some water. I enter the kitchen and suddenly I freeze. Even my tail doesn’t move!

There is another bowl next to mine. It is small and shinny and it sparkles. That is weird. Why do I need 2 bowls? Paul enters the kitchen and said ‘Ha biscuit! There you are! I have a little friend to you.’ I bark happily and wag my tail. Paul bought me a new toy! Something were I can chew on. Paul opens a box. And in his hand is a little, white fluffy ball. I’m not going to chew on that! I get hair in my mouth! The little white ball moves and tries to stand up. It has 4 little legs and a furry tail, 2 little, blue eyes look at me. ‘Biscuit, meet Diamante. She is a little Persian cat.’ says Paul. I know nothing about cats, so I slowly walk to her. I try to sniff and lick it. A little paw scratches my nose. I bark in pain. That stupid little monster hurt me! I’m bleeding! 2 little drops of blood fall on the white kitchen floor. I’m very angry and bark like mad. ´Oh Biscuit, do be careful! ´ Paul picks up Diamante and forgets me. I drink my water and go back to my basket. Diamante isn’t a toy and she would never be my friend! But oh boy, I want to chew on her!

The next day, my nose still hurts. When I go to the kitchen to eat, little Diamante is on the worktop. Her tail is up in the air and she looks very haughtily. But I try to ignore her. I’m enjoying my breakfast when suddenly I hear a big splash and a laud shriek. I turn around and Diamante is not on the worktop anymore. She is fallen into the sink, in the cold and dirty dishwater. The cat miaows helplessly and I start to bark my head of. Paul enters the kitchen in his pyjamas. ‘What’s going on her!’ Than he sees little Diamante in the sink. ‘Oh my god, you poor little thing!’ Paul fishes her out of the dirty water. She looks miserable and very greasy. Now she doesn’t look haughty anymore. ´Come on, you need a bath.´ And so Diamante gets wet for the second time in 5 minutes. When they are out of the kitchen, I start to laugh until my tummy aches. I need some water. Now that stupid little cat needs a bath! When I stop laughing I go to the bathroom to see Diamante all wet again. Upstairs Paul is washing Diamante with baby shampoo and then he start to dry her with the hairdryer. I wouldn’t stay here any longer, so I go back to my basket.

A couple of minutes later, Diamante look all fluffy and silly because she was wearing a pink collar. She past me by, looking haughty again. It will take a long time before we are friends.

It is a dog live having to live as a dog with a cat.

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